“Building self-esteem through mental strength...knowledge is power.”
HOW WE CELEBRATE: African American Traditions and Celebrations
This summer we will investigate the reasons as well as the ways in which we celebrate our culture, history and achievements. How did Martin Luther King, Jr. Day become a national holiday? What is Juneteenth and where did it begin? What are some of the negro spirituals and how did gospel music enter the mainstream culture? And do you know what Dashiki Day is?
At the completion of the camp, your child will understand why we have these celebrations and traditions and how they evolved.
Registration opens to all
March 1, 2022
In-Person Camp, Atlanta, GA
June 13-17, 2022
Limited Space open to Rising K-5th Grades
(sibling discounts available)
Before and After Care 8:00am-6:00pm $75
This in-person camp will be held at
Log Cabin Community Church,
2699 Log Cabin Dr, SE
Atlanta, GA 30339
On-Line Camp
July 11-15, 2022
Open to 3-5th Grades
This camp will be held via Zoom